



Link Together is dedicated to promoting healthy youth, families and communities by decreasing teen alcohol and drug use in Wheeling Township.



Promote healthy youth, families, and communities by decreasing teen alcohol and drug use through education, advocacy, and access to community resources, and policy awareness, implementation, and change.


Wheeling Township youth are drug and alcohol free.

Link Together Staff

Kris Zerfass, Director Link Together 
[email protected]

Sarah Powills, Prevention Specialist II, Program Coordinator    [email protected]

Link Together serves as the Area Project Board for Community Youth Services Wheeling and Prospect Heights

Erika Berdell, Prevention Specialist II, Program Coordinator    [email protected]

Link Together Executive Board 2024-2025

Don Angelaccio, Past Chair, D23 Superintendant of Schools

Andy Stein, Chair, Allstate and Village of Buffalo Grove Trustee

Cam Nystrom, Vice Chair, Principal MacArthur Middle School 

Coalition Staff, Secretary

Colleen Zitkus, Business Manager, Prospect Heights Police

Jorie OuimetCommunity Relations Manager, Community Resident



Link Together Community Partners

Arlington Heights Police Department

Buffalo Grove Police Department

Mount Prospect Police Department

Prospect Heights Police Department

Wheeling Police Department

Student Resource Officers

D21 Middle Schools: Cooper, Holmes & London

D23 Middle School: MacArthur

D25 Middle Schools: Thomas & South

D26 Middle School: River Trails

D214 High Schools: Buffalo Grove, Hersey, Prospect, Rolling Meadows and Wheeling

D214 Administration

Arlington Heights Park District

Buffalo Grove Park District

Mount Prospect Park District

Prospect Heights Park District

River Trails Park District

DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration)

Culvers in Buffalo Grove

Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists

Kindred Life


Wheeling Township

Village of Buffalo Grove

Wheeling Chamber of Commerce

Glenbard Parent Series

Stand Strong Coalition

NAMI (National Alliance for Mentally Ill)

Comcast EffecTV

Indian Trails Public Library

Harper College


IL Human Performance Project

Landstrom Center

NW Casa

Kenneth Young



Funding for Link Together Coalition provided by:

Office of National Drug Control and Policy (ONDCP) & Managed by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 

Contracts with D214 High Schools and Feeder Middle Schools in D21, D23, D25 and D26

Corporate and Private Donations

OMNI serves as Link Together’s Fiscal Agent



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